National Rocky Road Day

I was so looking forward to today. It’s the beginning of June and an ice cream themed food holiday should be just perfect. 

Wrong. It’s been raining pretty much non-stop since Sunday here in Jersey. To add insult to injury, it’s also a bit chilly. 

However, I still went and got ice cream. All for the blog, folks. 

Just kidding. I actually love rocky road ice cream, so no arm pulling needed for today’s food adventure. I actually don’t like plain chocolate ice cream, but if you add nuts and a river of marshmallow, I’m sold. 


Close up on the marshmallow river, aka the best part.

Did you know that, according to Wikipedia, rocky road ice cream got its name from the “rocky road” of life during the Great Depression? True story. Nothing like a little ice cream to poke fun at life, right? 

Well, at least the ice cream is making me happier on this cold and rainy day. 

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